Verger Group

How to Get Certificate of Inspection (CoI) for Your Textile Products in 2024


The global textile industry is a complex network of production, export, and import that plays a significant role in many countries’ economies. Egypt, with its thriving textile industry and discerning consumer base, stands out as a major importer of textile products. To regulate and ensure the quality and safety of imported textiles, Egypt has implemented stringent inspection and certification requirements. At the heart of this regulatory framework lies the Certificate of Inspection (CoI) for Textile Products.

This comprehensive guide will explore the intricacies of the CoI process, equipping exporters with the knowledge to navigate Egyptian import regulations successfully. We’ll delve into the importance of the CoI, the regulatory landscape, the application process, and best practices for exporters looking to tap into the lucrative Egyptian market.

Understanding the Certificate of Inspection (CoI)

The Certificate of Inspection (CoI) for textile products is a mandatory document required by Egyptian authorities for the importation of textiles into the country. This certificate serves as official confirmation that the textile products being exported meet the quality standards and specifications set by Egyptian regulations.
A CoI is issued by accredited inspection bodies after a thorough examination of the textile products. It typically includes details such as:

  • The exporter’s and importer’s information
  • Product description and specifications
  • Quantity and packaging details
  • Inspection date and location
  • Confirmation of compliance with Egyptian standards
  • Any specific observations or notes from the inspection process

The primary purpose of the CoI is to ensure that only high-quality textile products enter the Egyptian market, protecting consumers and maintaining fair competition among importers.

The Importance of CoI for Textile Exports to Egypt

The Certificate of Inspection plays a crucial role in the textile export process to Egypt for several reasons:

a) Regulatory Compliance

Egypt has strict import regulations for textiles, and the CoI is a mandatory requirement. Without this certificate, textile shipments cannot clear customs and enter the Egyptian market.

b) Quality Assurance

The inspection process ensures that textile products meet Egyptian quality standards, which helps maintain the reputation of both the exporter and the Egyptian textile market.

c) Consumer Protection

By requiring a CoI, Egyptian authorities aim to protect consumers from substandard or potentially harmful textile products.

d) Trade Facilitation

While the CoI process may seem like an additional step, it actually helps streamline the import process by providing Egyptian customs with verified information about the shipment.

e) Market Access

Obtaining a CoI demonstrates an exporter’s commitment to quality and compliance, potentially opening doors to long-term business relationships in the Egyptian market.

f) Faster Customs Clearance

A valid CoI expedites the clearance of shipments at Egyptian customs, minimizing delays and potential storage costs.

g) Reduced Risk of Product Rejection

By ensuring compliance with regulations, the CoI minimizes the risk of shipments being rejected at the port of entry due to non-conformity.

h) Enhanced Brand Reputation

Demonstrating commitment to quality and safety standards through the CoI can foster trust and credibility with Egyptian consumers and distributors.

Legal Framework and Regulations

The requirement for a Certificate of Inspection for textile products exported to Egypt is based on several legal provisions and regulations:

a) Ministerial Decree No. 43/2016

This decree, issued by the Egyptian Ministry of Trade and Industry, mandates pre-shipment inspection for certain imported goods, including textiles. It also specifies product categories subject to the CoI requirement and provides details on the registration process with the GOEIC.

b) Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality Control (EOS)

The EOS sets the standards that imported textiles must meet. These standards cover aspects such as fiber content, colorfastness, and labeling requirements.

c) General Organization for Export and Import Control (GOEIC)

This body oversees the implementation of import regulations and works closely with accredited inspection bodies. The GOEIC is responsible for establishing the standards and requirements for imported textiles and ensures compliance through inspection and certification processes.

d) Customs Law No. 207/2020

This law provides the legal basis for customs procedures in Egypt, including the requirement for proper documentation such as the CoI.

e) Decree 991/2015

This decree establishes the Egypt Conformity Assessment Programme (ECAP) framework, outlining the mandatory CoI requirement for regulated products, including textiles.

f) Decree 44/2019 & Decree 195/2022

These decrees may introduce amendments or additions to the list of regulated products or the ECAP procedures.

Exporters must stay updated on these regulations, as they may be subject to changes or amendments. It’s advisable to consult with Egyptian trade authorities or experienced trade professionals to ensure full compliance with the current legal framework.

Types of Textile Products Requiring Inspection

The Certificate of Inspection requirement applies to a wide range of textile products. Some of the main categories include:

a) Apparel and Clothing

This includes all types of ready-made garments for men, women, and children.

b) Fabrics

Both natural and synthetic fabrics, whether woven, knitted, or non-woven.

c) Home Textiles

Items such as bed linens, towels, curtains, and upholstery fabrics.

d) Accessories

Textile-based accessories like scarves, handkerchiefs, and ties.

e) Industrial Textiles

Specialized textiles used in industrial applications.

f) Yarns and Threads

Various types of yarns used in textile manufacturing.

g) Carpets and Rugs

Both machine-made and handmade floor coverings.

It’s important to note that the specific requirements for inspection may vary depending on the type of textile product. Exporters should verify the exact inspection requirements for their particular products with the relevant authorities or accredited inspection bodies.

The Inspection Process

The inspection process for obtaining a Certificate of Inspection typically involves the following steps:

a) Product Registration with GOEIC

Register your textile products with the GOEIC through their online portal or by contacting a GOEIC representative. This registration process involves submitting relevant product information and technical documentation.

b) Selecting a GOEIC-Approved Certification Body

Choose a reputable certification body, like VERGER Group, accredited by the GOEIC to conduct the inspection and issue the CoI.

c) Application for CoI

Submit an application for a CoI to the chosen certification body, including all necessary documentation.

d) Document Review

The inspection body reviews the submitted documents to ensure all necessary information is provided and complies with Egyptian requirements.

e) Sampling

Inspectors select representative samples from the shipment for detailed examination. The sampling method and size are typically based on statistical models to ensure accuracy.

f) Physical Inspection

The selected samples undergo thorough physical examination, including visual inspection for defects, measurements to verify dimensions and sizing, and checks for proper labeling and packaging.

g) Laboratory Testing

If required, samples may be sent to accredited laboratories for testing. Common tests include fiber composition analysis, colorfastness tests, shrinkage tests, and flammability tests.

h) Evaluation of Results

The inspection body evaluates the results of the physical inspection and any laboratory tests against Egyptian standards and requirements.

i) Issuance of CoI

If the products meet all requirements, the inspection body issues the Certificate of Inspection. If any non-conformities are found, the exporter is notified and may need to take corrective actions before the CoI can be issued.

Challenges in Obtaining the Certificate of Inspection

Exporters may face several challenges when obtaining a CoI:

a) Regulatory Complexity

Navigating the regulatory landscape for textile imports to Egypt can be challenging due to the complexity and frequent updates to the regulations.

b) Documentation Requirements

The documentation required for obtaining the CoI is extensive and must be meticulously prepared.

c) Inspection and Testing Costs

The costs associated with inspection and testing can be significant, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

d) Logistical Challenges

Coordinating the inspection and testing process, especially for large shipments, can be logistically challenging.

Best Practices for Exporters

To navigate the CoI process successfully, exporters should consider the following best practices:

a) Stay Informed About Regulations

Regularly consult official websites and subscribe to industry updates to stay informed about the latest regulatory requirements.

b) Engage with Authorized Inspection Bodies Early

Early engagement can help exporters understand specific requirements and prepare necessary documentation.

c) Maintain Comprehensive Documentation

Ensure all required documents are complete, accurate, and submitted in a timely manner.

d) Implement Quality Control Measures

Regular testing and quality checks can identify potential issues early, allowing for corrective actions before the inspection process.

e) Plan for Inspection and Testing Costs

Budget for these expenses and factor them into pricing strategies.


The Certificate of Inspection for Textile Products is a vital document for exporters aiming to access the Egyptian market. While the process may seem complex, understanding its importance, the regulatory framework, and the steps involved can significantly streamline the export process. By adhering to the regulations, implementing best practices, and maintaining high-quality standards, exporters can successfully navigate the CoI requirements and establish a strong presence in Egypt’s thriving textile market. As the global textile industry continues to evolve, staying informed and adaptable will be key to long-term success in this dynamic market.

How VERGER Group Can Help You Obtain Certificate of Inspection (CoI) for Egypt Customs

VERGER Group is an ISO 17020 accredited Inspection Body (accredited by NABCB in the year of 2022), known for its fastest certification issuance times in the industry with its ability to issue Certificate of Inspection(CoI) for Egypt Customs in 48 hours. Reach out to VERGER Group today to connect with an International Trade Expert for a FREE consultation on how to get your products cleared by Egypt Customs and meet market requirements.


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